05Manage your stress and emotions


Our skills development programmes are addressed solely on intra-business courses. That is to say, they’re for employees belonging to the same company.


This training is aimed at anyone wishing to develop new skills in the trades of the sale. No diploma is required, though a minimum 2 year experience is desirable.


Modules for developing in-depth skills:

  • Get to know each other better to manage your emotional system
  • Identify the sources of stress and fight them every day
  • Know how to relax


  • Knowing your strengths to deal with any situation
  • Better handle stress with individualised coaching
  • Taking stock of your current emotional state
  • Living your emotions and not fighting them
  • Estimate and know yourself to develop self-confidence
  • Understanding and respecting the emotions of others using the Plutchik wheel
  • Knowing the sources of stress related to oneself and outside of oneself
  • How to prepare physically and mentally to a stressful situation
  • Identifying alert levels
  • 5 easy exercises to relax in minutes
  • Relaxing when possible

Mobilised Methods

This training takes place according to the following rhythm: 5 classes of 2 hours, done remotely + 1 hour of feedback or one day in a classroom + 2 virtual classes of 2 hours.

Distance sessions integrate virtual classes, tests, intersessional work, coaching and optional video learning. The classroom sessions can take place throughout France.

Modality Assessment

This training includes a knowledge test before training. It allows to evaluate the starting level of learners. The assessment is measured by a score between 1 to 5.

At the end of the training, the participants inform the same questionnaire. A new score appears as well as a percentage of progression. Participants clearly measure the path traveled and define their action plan.

It is possible to access an optional individual debriefing.


The duration of this training is

11 hours

Terms and Access Delays

Our exclusively intra-business courses are organised and planned on demand.

The start of the trainings takes place a month after the contracts are signed.


Start from

1600€ per day

Our rates for this training start from 1600€ per day. For more information on the rates for this training, please contact us.

Disability Accessibility

This training is accessible for any person with disabilities.

See our conditions of handicap accessibility.

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